Consumer Price: SGD 70.65


Product Description

  • Joint problem is getting common and causing long-term joint discomforts and physical difficulties, affecting millions of people. Joint problems are now seen frequently in young people, due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. PhytoFlex contains 4 natural ingredients, which could be absorbed by the body easily, and may help to support daily activities. The quality of PhytoFlex has been recognised by esteemed judge panel, and hence it has been awarded Malaysia Health and Wellness Brand Awards 2019!

Main Ingredients

  • Eggshell Membrane Extract, Seaweed Calcium, Curcumin and Hydrolyzed Egg Yolk Extract


  • 10 g x 14 sachets

Storage / Direction of Use

  • Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure from direct sunlight and heat.
  • Briskly mix a sachet of PhytoFlex with 100ml - 150ml of room temperature water, stir well and serve.

Product Details

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